4000 Kindle downloads in the first 10 days We launched the new eBook titled, UnSelling: 22 Strategies to Win Without Selling on June 2 and the feedback so far has been excellent – we thank each one of you (over 4000 Kindle downloads alone) for taking the time to download the eBook and for your […]
Category Archives: Sales
Questions are More Impactful Than Answers
When it comes to UnSelling, the same basic principle applies. When we’re tempted to provide all the answers that we’re convinced our clients (or prospects) so badly need – resist the temptation! Instead, ask the client a provocative question that will demonstrate both your credibility and your ability to collaborate (instead of pure telling or selling).
When it comes to UnSelling, the same basic principle applies. When we’re tempted to provide all the answers that we’re convinced our clients (or prospects) so badly need – resist the temptation! Instead, ask the client a provocative question that will demonstrate both your credibility and your ability to collaborate (instead of pure telling or selling).
Time to Test Your Selling Skills
We want to test your UnSelling™ skills! We’ve just launched an UnSelling survey that allows you to determine if you have what it takes to stop selling and start UnSelling™. You can take the survey now!
My Father, the Likeable Salesman
When I was a kid growing up in Southern California, he occasionally let me tag along to his office or to one of his clients. They would go out of their way to explain to me how great my father was and how helpful he had been to them for so many years. And it was these experiences that shaped my personal view of what “sales” is all about – serving people really well. Secondly, a great sales person carries a conviction about the product/solution they represent. If you don’t have this conviction, I’d recommend you look hard at alternative companies (or careers) that will allow you to sell and serve clients with this attitude.
UnSelling™ Requires Skills Many ‘Old School’ Sales People Don’t Possess
I was asked recently what skills are required to be effective in UnSelling. As I contemplated the answer and began to capture the key attributes, I was struck by two things 1) How different these skills are compared to sales people who operate in traditional selling environments and 2) How consistent most of these are with fundamental biblical principles