4000 Kindle downloads in the first 10 days
We launched the new eBook titled, UnSelling: 22 Strategies to Win Without Selling on June 2 and the feedback so far has been excellent – we thank each one of you (over 4000 Kindle downloads alone) for taking the time to download the eBook and for your great feedback so far. For those who have not heard a replay of the launch webinar or have not downloaded the eBook, here is the link:
You can view the webinar and also download a free copy of Peter Bourke’s newly published eBook UnSelling™: Sell Less … To Win More. The free eBook is available in several formats, including Kindle, Nook, iBook, PDF, and more.
In the meantime, here is a small sample of initial responses:
- This is a book not only for sales professionals, it is a great read for the “C-Suite” as it demonstrates what Executives / Decision-Makers should expect when meeting with Sales Professionals. “UnSelling” integrates the head and the heart of selling and gives the reader a roadmap to either “sell” this way or be sold through “Unselling.” When the sales professional begins to think with and for their client, they begin to exercise the tenets of “Unselling.” By reading “UnSelling,” one will sharpen their skills…whether you are the seller or buyer.
- Kudos on a great webinar! Well organized and effectively and interestingly presented. Wished I had some of the scripting/phrasing that you suggested on auto recall when in a number of meetings over the last couple of years…most recently at Tip Top.
- Thank you so much for your time! I have a repeat client that has surprised me lately with the “price” issue. A long-term client that raves about our facility and services. I came back from your workshop and put in a call to the client and asked the tough questions “What has changed in your mind regarding our services and/or fit for your program?” Bingo! She gave me honest direct information “why they may not buy” that I had not been given in our earlier discussions. Now, I know price is only one of many factors. Thanks again!
- Outstanding short read packed full of practical, insightful and for most everyone counter intuitive tips to UnSelling. I love a read that gets right to the point without a lot of fluff. UnSelling provides sensible tips and examples that with some thought can be adapted to most any sales rep’s situations. I have made margin notes on every one of the 22 strategies to help me in my pursuits into the “crucible”. A great, eminently useful read that is helping me already!
- Thank you for exercising the sales strategy part of my brain today. We all need regular reinforcement to keep up our “best practices” in UnSelling.
Thanks again for the initial feedback – we look forward to hearing from you about how you’re using this strategy to better sell and serve your clients and prospects!