What if you change your style from selling to UnSelling, creating an open, collaborative relationship? If you want to be needed, you must first understand the needs a customer has. Salesmen all too often jump at the chance to offer their solution without being fully aware of why the client is even in the market for an alternative solution.
Category Archives: Sales Strategy
¨Selling¨ doesn´t work
If you embrace this notion then, it begs the question: what should I do in the selling process if not sell? That’s where we’re going with this whole “un”selling concept! We’ll explore this concept further and I look forward to your experience with selling successfully without really selling.
UnSelling – Episode #1
Better Way Sales Strategies premiers with its first ever video blog hosted by Peter Bourke. The topic today is UnSelling, as we first touched on in Monday’s post. How to sell more by “selling” less.
Stop Selling!…..and Sell More
When you walk into a clothing store and a sales associate walks (er, runs!) over to you and asks, “May I help you?” What’s your answer nearly every time? “No thanks, just looking?” You see, even if you actually do need help, your first reaction is “no” because you don’t want to be sold to.
Taking Every Sales Opportunity, to Death
So I asked him how he liked it and why he left it. His answer was fascinating. He proceeded to explain that there are very specific techniques required to be successful in selling “plots”. An example: a great cemetery plot salesperson will make note when someone has died and has left a widow behind. They have learned that the widow will usually get a life insurance settlement approximately 60 days after the burial of the their spouse and that is the perfect time to follow up with the widow – when they have money available and have begun to deal with the grief associated with the loss.