Are you sensing an underlying theme in many of these UnSelling strategies? I hope the theme that’s obvious is that above all else, our clients deserve the truth. Even if it’s hard for us to admit the truth. Even if it’s not what they want to hear. Even if the truth is likely to hurt our chances to “win.”
Sounds heretical doesn’t it?
But when we focus on best serving our clients and providing the information they most need, you will end up developing a level of trust and credibility that will pay dividends long term.
UnSelling relies on a fundamental principle that you are the subject matter expert in whatever solution you provide and that you therefore know the good, the bad, and the ugly on projects of this nature based on what other clients have done previously.
A collaborative relationship between buyer and seller is not unlike a collaborative marriage – they both require two parties to share ideas, explore risks, develop plans to be successful, and to ultimately make good, informed decisions.
At the risk of being trite: even though the truth sometimes hurts, honesty is clearly the best policy in UnSelling to sell more!
*Exclusive offer: Click here to register for a free copy of the brand new UnSelling E-book scheduled to be released next month.