Selling is what the client expects. The problem – most prospects/clients don’t want to be sold. The ones that do are likely the least attractive targets for your sales teams. UnSelling™ is the key.
The typical buyer-seller relationship can be characterized as subservient in nature:
- The buyer needs information on your product – and you can’t confuse needing information with wanting to buy your product
- The seller is often intent on “telling” the client about their solution – convinced that the more we share, the more likely they are to buy our product…and nothing could be further from the truth!
The UnSelling™ approach is designed to shift the relationship from subservient to collaborative and does so by having the seller resist the temptation to “tell” (or sell), preferring the more consultative approach of focusing on understanding the problem the client is intent on solving. Experience has shown Peter Bourke that the better we understand the client’s problem, the less we have to sell (if at all).
Peter outlines an approach to control and win the most complex deals in this counter-intuitive presentation that includes:
- Qualifying new clients requires no selling – period!
- Understanding how to create a collaborative relationship with the prospect so that your sales teams can understand the truth from the client – not what they want you to believe
- Techniques for uncovering and proactively dealing with likely client objections and concerns – early in the process
- Finding ways to influence the evaluation and decision process for both the client’s benefit – and yours
- Determining how to take control of the buying/selling process – not being victimized by it
Your sales people and leaders will never “sell” the same way again – and will win more as a result.
Contact us for a free consultation or to schedule a speaking engagement.